Celebrate Passover with Temple Har Zion
Temple Har Zion 2nd Seder, Tuesday, April 23
We are planning a special 2nd Seder this year, with Sephardic-style food provided by Sam Zeitlin of Zeitlin’s Delicatessen, and desserts from our resident caterer Wes Kung.
- 7 PM Ma’ariv Service
- 7:30 PM Seder
Ma’ariv and Seder are also being streamed; Zoom ID 814 4591 5201, Har Zion password. Or click here.
Registration is required to attend the seder/meal in person; last day to register is Friday, April 19. Click here to register.
- $60 per adult/child 13 and older through Wednesday, April 10; then $75 from April 11 through April 19
- $25 per child under 13 through Wednesday, April 10; then $30 from April 11 through April 19
Other Forms
There are two additional things you might want to sign up for: selling your chametz to Rabbi Glick for Passover, and registration for the kosher for Passover meal that follows the Musical Kabbalat Shabbat service on Friday, April 26.
Sell Your Chametz to Rabbi Glick by end of day, Friday, April 19
Click here to sell your chametz to Rabbi Glick for the duration of Passover.
The last time to do this is Friday, April 19, end of day.
Musical Shabbat and Kosher for Passover Shabbat Meal, Friday, April 26
Click here to sign up for the Kosher for Passover Shabbat Meal on Friday, April 26, at 7:30 PM.
As usual, this Musical Kabbalat Service featuring the Har Zion Davening Team is a great opportunity to bring your whole family to a service. There will be music, singing, and dancing, and a play area for our youngest.
:Passover 5784 Services, Seders and Programs
All of the Zoom links below use the Temple Har Zion Zoom password. Ask the office during normal working hours if you need it. Click here for a 2-page document with a table and a narrative summarizing the following information.
All services are also streamed on Facebook and YouTube, unless it specifically says “Zoom only.”
Sunday, April 21
- Search for Chametz in the evening, to burn/throw out tomorrow morning.
- 9:30 AM: Shohet Morning Minyan, as usual, is Zoom only; Zoom ID# 799 405 500
Or click here.
Monday, April 22 — Erev Passover
- Fast of the Firstborn
- First Seder in the evening
- 8 AM: Shohet Morning Minyan with Siyum for Firstborn, in person or Zoom only; Zoom ID# 799 405 500
Or click here. - Temple Office and Preschool Closing at 3:30pm
- 6:30 PM: Passover Ma’ariv, Zoom only Zoom ID# 814 4591 5201
Or click here. - 7:22 PM: Candle Lighting
Tuesday, April 23 — Pesach Day 1
- Second Seder in the evening
- 10 AM: Pesach Service, in person and streaming; Zoom link, ID# 242 651 284
Or click here. (This is the usual Saturday Morning Zoom link.) - 7 PM: Ma’ariv service, in person and streaming, Zoom ID# 814 4591 5201
Or click here. - 7:30 PM: Congregational 2nd Seder; click here to register to attend in person.
Streaming also, Zoom ID# 814 4591 5201, or click here. - 8:24 PM: Candle Lighting
- Temple Office and Preschool Closed
Wednesday, April 24 — Pesach Day 2
- 10 AM: Pesach Service, in person and streaming; Zoom link, ID# 242 651 284
Or click here. (Saturday Morning Zoom link.) - 8:25 PM Havdalah
- Start counting Omer
- Temple Office and Preschool Closed
- No KRS
Thursday, April 25— Chol Hamoed Pesach Day 3, intermediate day of Passover
- Minyan, Temple Office, and Preschool schedules as usual.
Friday, April 26—Chol Hamoed Pesach Day 4, intermediate day of Passover
- Minyan, Temple Office, and Preschool schedules as usual.
- 6:30 PM: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Service, in person and streaming; Zoom ID 818 0357 8025,
or or click here. - 7:30 PM: Kosher for Passover Shabbat meal. Click here to register for the meal.
- 7:27 PM: Candle Lighting.
Saturday, April 27 — Chol Hamoed Pesach Day 5, intermediate day of Passover
- Shabbat Service as usual.
8:28 PM: Havdalah
Sunday, April 28 — Chol Hamoed Pesach, Pesach Day 6, intermediate day of Passover
- 9:30 AM: Shohet Morning Minyan, Zoom only; Zoom ID# 799 405 500
Or click here. - 7:29 PM: Candle Lighting
- No KRS
Monday, April 29 — Pesach Day 7
- 10 AM: Pesach Service, in person and streaming; Zoom link, ID# 242 651 284
Or click here. (Saturday Morning Zoom link.) - 8:30 PM: Candle Lighting
- Temple Office and Preschool Closed
Tuesday, April 30 — Pesach/Yizkor, Pesach Day 8
- 10 AM: Pesach Service, in person and streaming; Zoom link, ID# 242 651 284
Or click here. (Saturday Morning Zoom link.) - 8:31 PM: Havdalah
- Temple Office and Preschool Closed
- EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER (and Temple Office): Closes at 3:30 PM on Monday, April 22; closed Tuesday-Wednesday, April 23-24, and Monday-Tuesday, April 29-30.
- KOVEN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL PASSOVER BREAK: Begins on Sunday, April 17; classes resume on Sunday, April 24.
Passover How-To Information
Passover 101:
- haggadot.com (a create-your-own Haggadah website)
- thekitchn.com (a cooking website; please excuse the ads)
- USCJ Passover resources: Click here.
- Star-K Kosher list of products that do not require Kosher for Passover Certification: Click here.
- The Rabbinical Assembly’s Kashrut Subcommittee Passover Guides for 5784: Click here.
Passover Cooking with the Temple Har Zion Family
Passover Cooking with Leah Koenig
Leah Koenig, daughter of Har Zion’s Carol Koenig, is a prominent authority on Jewish cooking and the author of many excellent Jewish cookbooks. Leah grew up at Har Zion; she is a highly regarded cookbook author and consummate chef. Her Passover recipes have been featured on many cooking websites.
Instead of picking just one for you, click here for a Google search of Leah’s Passover recipes.
Direct from Jay Michael’s Kitchen to your Seder table…
Two marvelous Passover Dessert recipes to make for your Seder meal.
Chocolate Almond Cake:
The recipe: Click here Jay’s video:
Chocolate Refrigerator Matzo Cake:
The recipe: Click here
Jay’s video:
Cantor Figa Previews Songs Sung During the Seder
Music is essential to the Passover Seder, and everyone is encouraged to sing along. From the setting of the table to the evening’s conclusion, the Seder is full of opportunities to tell the Passover story in song. In the Haggadah, after lighting and blessing the Yom Tov candles (be sure to include Shehechiyanu), comes Kaddeish – Ur’chatz, a “Table of Contents” of the 15 highpoints of the Seder. It is customary for everyone sing this list as an overture. Next comes the Kiddush, the sanctification of the holiday over the first of the 4 cups of wine. There is a special Yom Tov melody for this. We introduce the central symbol of Matzah early on by calling it “The Bread of Affliction” with a song Ha Lachma. The youngest at the table asks the Four Questions, Ma Nishtana, but it is fun for everyone to join in the chorus “halayla hazeh”. Now that we have heard the four questions, we answer them, starting with the explanation told in a traditional melody with the words, Avadim Hayinu, “We Were Slaves”. The Haggadah tells of the many good things that G-d has done for us, and we sing the spirited Dayenu saying that each single thing alone “would have been enough for us!” In a more solemn vein, we sing Eliyahu Hanavi, to the guest at every Seder table, Elijah the Prophet, who returns to earth to help those in need. Excerpts from Hallel, and closing songs such as Adir Hu, Chad Gadya, and Let My People Go add to the merriment. Of course, we conclude singing L’shana Haba’a, Next Year in Jerusalem! |